Members of Generation Z — those born roughly between 1997 and 2010 — have grown up in a world where information is rampant, ...
The state’s perverse policies led to an increase in waste. A new lawsuit blames Exxon Mobil.
Find out which things should stay out of the recycling bin by learning how to identify an item's recyclability based on its ...
Some of the worst offenders, which can take decades to degrade in landfills, are polypropylene—which is used for things such ...
Exxon Mobil has touted 'advanced recycling' as a groundbreaking technology that will turn the tide in our plastic crisis.
The Golden State is going all out to block plastic bags at grocery stores -- but it'll take a while for the new law to kick ...
Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 270 into law on Sept. 30, 2014. It required grocery stores to provide customers only with recycled ...
Plastic pollution is getting worse, despite massive investment in recycling and years of pledges to stop polluting. Is a real ...
California filed suit against ExxonMobil over its recycling claims. The Verge talked with the state attorney general about ...
The state led the nation in 2014 by banning single-use plastic bags, but a loophole actually led to more plastic waste.
In a report published in Marine Pollution Bulletin, researchers from Kyushu University have for the first time, provided a ...
The second most common marine waste was plastic bottle caps, accounting for 12.8 percent, followed by glass bottles at 10.2 ...