As Iron Man armor, it has probably had the most influence on all future designs of the suit, right down to its faceplate with a line where the mouth slit should be and its external shoulder mountings.
Marvel has fantastic superhero costumes, but these are just some of the best of the best - even beyond their originals!
The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and illustrious Iron Man is amongst the many Heroes in Marvel Rivals' super-powered Duelist roster.
Tony Stark, as we all know, is a brilliant ... On a significant 20 second cooldown, Armor Overdrive (and the team-up Gamma Overdrive) amplify Iron Man’s Repulsor Blast and Unibeam damage.
and possibly two more Iron Man armors? The Hasbro Marvel Legends series has got you covered, with a new release featuring all of the above. Inspired by Marvel Studios’ Infinity Saga, all eight ...
Howard Stark reveals to Tony that he knew that he was Iron Man the whole time. Someone is after Rhodey and Pepper and sets a explosive in the armory. Meanwhile, Obadiah Stane and Iron Monger return, ...