The Civil War was an extremely divisive time in American history that split the North and South into the Union and the ...
The film outlines the early years of the American Civil War, starting with Abraham Lincoln's election in November 1860 and the subsequent secession of Southern states. It details the formation of the ...
Seventy Black Union military members who fought in the Civil War will be memorialized in a monument planned for Rocky Mount in Franklin County, Virginia.
The Civil War was a military, cultural, political, and economic milestone in American history. For four years the nation was in a bloody divide that extended from the East Coast to the pioneer West ...
"Incidents of the war ... the last two years of the War 40+ — Estimated percentage of Civil War dead who were never identified 66 — Estimated percentage of dead African American Union soldiers ...
The American Civil War was arguably one of the most devastating conflicts in the history of the United States. Fought over slavery, it divided families and communities and, of course, the nation.
Following the American Civil War and the abolition of the ... The northern states had defeated the southern states. The years immediately after the war were known as the Reconstruction era.
The American Civil War Museum actually comprises three sites: The American Civil War Museum at Historic Tredegar and the White House of the Confederacy can both be found in Richmond, while the ...