Benjamin Wallfisch has helped make music for a killer clown ... from the sci-fi sequel “Blade Runner 2049" and the horror hit ...
Blade Runner 2099 will reportedly have a style closer to the original 1982 film than Denis Villeneuve's 2017 sequel. This was ...
Music ebbs and flows around him ... Villeneuve’s Arrival and indeed his 2017 reboot of Blade Runner, set in an even more dystopian 2049. The Yamaha CS-80, an innovative synthesizer used by ...
Blade Runner 2049 is not a story about the future. Or at least, it's not about our future. It's set in the year 2049, but it's the year 2049 as extrapolated from the year 2019 as it was imagined ...
Don't look so skeptical, Ryan. Your new movie's great! Credit: Warner Bros. Believe the buzz: Blade Runner 2049 really is that good. Mashable's own Josh Dickey was over the moon about it ...
Johnnie Walker Black The Director’s cut was created in collaboration with Blade Runner 2049 director Denis Villeneuve and Love A bottle of Johnnie Walker Black appeared in the original Blade Runner ...