Lovett advanced to the national title match in 2022, finishing runner-up to Cornell’s Yianni Diakmoihalis 11-5. In 2024, ...
My wife kids me that I don’t have any friends, to which I respond, “I do, too. I have three.” She seems suspicious of this ...
Now a teenager, Tyson is going on eight years of training in ballet dance; he’s also explored lyrical, hip-hop and jazz dance ...
One hundred percent of seniors at Lakeland, Timberlake and Mountain View Alternative high schools graduated at the close of ...
With precipitation in the forecast for the next few days, Ben Weymouth, the director of highways for East Side Highway ...
Entry to win the giveaway is simple, all you need to do is shop at any of the participating businesses Downtown Coeur d’Alene ...
COEUR d’ALENE — North Idaho College has settled a lawsuit leveled by a former employee. Laura Rumpler, NIC’s former chief ...
So, we sat in the parking lot of the high school … two bewildered and overwhelmed parents of a soon-to-be freshman. In four ...
Steven Soderbergh, the Oscar-winning director of “Traffic,” makes a movie (or two) every year, jumping from different genres ...
James William Kearns, Jr. (Bill) passed away Saturday, March 8, 2025, in Bozeman, Montana, where he had lived for the last ...
The suspect then displayed a firearm and pointed it at the victim before leaving. Shortly after leaving the property, the suspect fired the gun causing the victim to shelter in their home.
This is the second bill heard this session that proposed to amend Idaho’s abortion statute. The other one would have allowed battery or homicide charges for the injury or death of a fetus and remove ...