In addition, you could try placing the scratching post - not covered with carpet or material, in front of the affected areas and once the cat has begun to use the post, it can be moved to a more ...
refusing to use a litter box and even cat anxiety. Kittens begin to scratch at around 8 weeks old, so start training your cat when it's young by providing scratching posts or stands. Your cat can ...
my furniture-scratching cat did not touch it again, preferring to use the nearby posts and pads instead. Not even a utility knife left marks on the guard, and a pushpin could only fully penetrate ...
If your cat gravitates towards vertical surfaces, DeLomba says to offer them a scratching post in that silhouette featuring their preferred material. “If your cat prefers a horizontal surface ...
I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of cat parents haven't ever considered trying to build a scratching post "from ...
Treat your cat with these top 5 luxury accessories, from designer cat beds and stylish collars to interactive toys, for a touch of elegance and comfort in their lives.
I have three cats, one of which has always used a scratching post until I replaced it because the old one wore out. Now he uses anything but - despite trying a pheromone spray and catnip spray and ...