Rather, they're a type of cycad, a native plant to Japan and China that dates ... well-draining soil. Only water your sago palm if the soil feels dry to the touch. Otherwise, they can be gently ...
Harding. The site protected one of the world’s greatest concentrations of Cretaceous-period fossils, known informally as cycads or scientifically as Bennettitales. These 120-million-year-old plant ...
Cycad seeds are poisonous, but First Nations Australians worked out a complex process to prepare them for safe eating. This involved dissolving the plant’s toxins in running water, cooking ...
Caption Thomas Marler (left) and Gil Cruz (center) measure cycad plant size traits in the foothills of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, along with Ulysses Ferreras (right) from the Philippine Native ...
Water the plant deeply but infrequently ... Sago palm, also known as Cycas revoluta, is a stunning plant that adds a tropical ...