It’s rare to see Goku in anything other than his iconic gi, but on those occasions, he proves he can be a true fashion icon.
Vegeta is famously weaker than Goku, but there are several instances in DBZ and Dragon Ball Super where the Saiyan Prince has ...
After a deadly battle with Frieza, Goku barely makes it out of Namek in time. What happens to him in the aftermath?
Goku has employed some ingenious strategies throughout Dragon Ball's history. These were some of the most clever.
If Dragon Ball ever decided to it's own version of Invincible War with Goku, there is a ton of fun to be had with the ...
Son Goku recreates the scene where he first introduces Super Saiyan 3 to Majin Buu in the final major arc of Dragon Ball Z. In showing off the Super Saiyan levels to Gomah, he doesn’t stop with ...
But in Goku ... for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Showcasing more of Goten and Trunks’ high school, fans also get a much better look at how close the series is now to the End of Z.
Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D at Super Tenkaichi Budoka ... this time primarily featuring the face off between Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Broly God.