F rom their floppy ears to their giant trunks and massive size, there’s a lot that stands out about the elephant.Elephant tusks are both a valuable tool and a potential liability for these ...
Researchers worked over two days to create a protective cast around the tusk for transport. After covering the fossil in ...
Tourists have a view of elephant task ' Pembe Ya Ndovu' along ... Constructed by the British colonial administration, the giant tusks served as a commemoration of the historical visit to Kenya ...
With a single tusk that made him stand out, the majestic bull elephant Unicorn was a true king among the wild herds of ...
It is an African elephant in a South African reserve, and he's known as a bit of a troublemaker. This is an electric fence that he wants to break down, but he has to test it with his tusks to ...
Tourists have a view of elephant task ' Pembe Ya Ndovu' along ... Constructed by the British colonial administration, the giant tusks served as a commemoration of the historical visit to Kenya ...