If you want a duck hunting dog, a Lab is usually the ... Q: Which is easier to train, a Lab or a golden retriever? Both Labs and goldens can be trained to perform a wide range of tasks, from ...
Related: Clever Duck Tolling Retriever's Basement Escape Through Cat Door Doesn’t Go As Planned According to Wisdom Panel, breeds like Golden and Labrador Retrievers, Portuguese Water dogs ...
The family of this Golden Retriever puppy seems to have a similarly serious snow bunny on their hands as well, as Wiley seems ...
A golden retriever and a German shepherd challenged each other to a spaghetti eating competition, and the results have left ...
Even this Golden Retriever, a breed who was developed ... they are cold,” but as a dog mom to a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, I can assure that this is not always the case.