who was the captain on the maiden voyage of the Great Eastern steamship. It was one of the most iconic of all English ships of that period (the late 1850s), and Isambard Kingdom Brunel's third ...
John Russell, a shipbuilder, recalls the time that Isambard Kingdom Brunel asked him to build his latest ship. The ship was called the 'SS Great Eastern' - or, to use the affectionate name that ...
But it was on the way. The Great Eastern was the brainchild of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, a brilliant British engineer who had made a career out of pushing the structural envelope. Proficient in ...
Isambard was the son of Sir Marc Isambard Brunel (1769-1849) and Sophia Kingdom (d ... SS Great Western, the iron ship SS Great Britain and the SS Great Eastern. During the Crimean War he designed a ...