with the nearest major Hungarian city, Debrecen, an hour away and Budapest almost three hours by car. As a result, real estate prices in Hungary’s border regions tend to be much lower than those ...
Prime Minister Viktor Orban is on a two-day official visit to the United Arab Emirates, where he will hold talks with UAE ...
A NATO vállalásoknak megfelleően a Székesfehérváron létrehozott Közép-európai Többnemzeti Hadosztály-parancsnokság elérte a ...
architects and engineers at the Hungarian side’s request to discuss sketches and projects for the renovation of the Russian (Soviet) war memorial and the common grave located in the city.
As a result, London is often described as the “second-largest Hungarian city”, with only Budapest boasting a larger Hungarian population. Despite there being more than 200,000 Hungarians ...
TASS/. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met on Thursday with Karoly Szita, President of the National Association of Local Municipal Governments, who had sent a letter to the head of the ...