Heads up for those working at or visiting Naval Station Newport: road construction and utility work are starting soon near ...
For decades, travelers know that Newport County is a small corner of New England with big surprises. The vision of Naval Station Newport is to be a world-class Center of Learning Excellence with ...
Naval Station Newport is putting the finishing touches on its annual Salute to Summer concert and fireworks event scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 24. “I am extremely excited to host Salute to ...
NEWPORT, R.I., March 3. -- The Navy Department has purchased at Portsmouth, a short distance from the Training Station and with a large percentage of the land fronting on Narragansett Bay ...
Naval Station ... the Newport Jazz Assembly Band for a performance on Thursday, Feb. 6. The free event starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Middletown Public Library, 700 West Main Road.