Critics judge Molly Weasley for her parenting skills and it's a bit unfair given how great of a mother she actually is.
A RON Weasley lookalike fears his days as a double for the Harry Potter wizard are numbered. Dad-of-two Lewis Parker, who is about to turn 34, is considering hanging up his wand after 15 years.
Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, as they navigate the tricky world of growing up, school life, and magic. Starting from year one and moving to their seventh year, the films chronicle the students ...
It’s almost surreal to think that more than two decades have passed since Rupert Grint first graced the big screen as the lovable, freckled Ron Weasley ... and seven years of unforgettable ...
someone wrote a 4,000-word message-board post explaining a theory that Dumbledore is actually a time-travelling Ron Weasley. The theory was so out there that it resurfaced nearly 10 years later ...