I n 1982, a visionary sci-fi future noir film called Blade Runner opened in theatres and bombed. Years later, it not only ...
Humans have sought to foretell the future for thousands of years, whether by observing the flight of birds, examining the ...
The last time a dryly zany comedy from New Zealand involving fantastical shenanigans made me laugh this much, it was the ...
Science fiction emerged nearly 300 years ago during a time of great advances in science. Since then authors have tried to make sense of their world by imagining what the future will look like.
SW: Please Save the Space Bees takes place in a science-fiction future where one company dominates the galaxy and this company's most popular product is the Omnicrom series. Imagine a ...
Science fiction stories take place in a world that is different to our own. The story might be set in space, in the future and about new technology or a scientific innovation. Science fiction ...