These children may have more tics when they return home from school ... anxiety, mood and conduct disorders, and self-injurious behavior. These behavioral symptoms may contribute to poor academic, ...
As per the Tourette Association of America, it is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects children ... Syndrome is one type of Tic Disorder. Tics are the primary symptoms of a group of ...
Diagnosing bipolar disorder in children is controversial, largely because children don’t always display the same symptoms as adults. Many bipolar disorder symptoms that occur in children also ...
A study from Boston Children’s Hospital ... some patients whose tic-like behaviors improved went on to develop other functional symptoms, such as eating disorders or self-harm, underscoring ...
To investigate whether thinning in sensorimotor cortices is important in this disorder ... circuits in children with Tourette syndrome correlates with tic symptoms. Longitudinal studies are ...
Bipolar disorder symptoms may not occur during periods between episodes of mania or depression. Children with ADHD may experience difficulty with sensory overstimulation, like transitions from one ...
Researchers believe TikTok, along with an increase in anxiety and depression, could be causing symptoms ... Texas Children's Hospital said they've had around 60 teens come in with tics since ...
Persistent symptoms indicate that the child is experiencing severe anxiety ... frequently visit the bathroom without a clear reason, or exhibit tic disorders, such as excessive blinking, throat ...