Twelve-inch-tall alfalfa has a threshold of two or more larvae per stem to warrant a treatment. In alfalfa that is 16-inches or taller, the threshold is 4 or more alfalfa weevil larvae and if the ...
The introduced species, Cyrtobagous salviniae, is a subaquatic herbivorous insect renowned for its ability to curtail the ...
Weevil species, Cyrtobagous salviniae, has been released into the Crocodile river, in Hartbeespoort, in an effort to tackle ...
Be aware of insecticide resistance - while warmer spring temperatures allow for faster alfalfa weevil development, be aware ...
The beech leaf-mining weevil isn't very big at only two millimetres in length. But Acadia University biology professor Kirk Hillier says it shouldn't be underestimated because of its size.