Melissa Miranda owns Pedro the Yorkshire terrier who went missing on Feb.7 from Advanced Pet Care Clinic in Cedar Falls.
A touching video of a foster dog learning “humans can be kind” is garnering attention as it proves “why fostering matters.” ...
When you think of a military animal, a Yorkshire Terrier is probably one of the last things you’d imagine. In fact, most people would consider sending a pup usually seen poking out of a Birkin bag ...
And she's not the only dog who has this talent, either. Far from it! For example, the Yorkshire Terrier in the video below.
Languages: English and Spanish. You can contact her via email: [email protected] A Yorkshire terrier expertly riding a scooter has captivated the internet, amassing hundreds of thousands of ...
Authorities are looking for the owner of a severely neglected dog that was found wandering in Meriden last week. The male Yorkshire Terrier with black and tan fur was seen wandering on Thorpe Avenue ...
Researchers at the Texas A&M Gastrointestinal Laboratory (GI Lab) have discovered signs that can be used to identify dogs ...
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Signs that can be used to identify dogs with a high risk of gastrointestinal disease before they develop symptoms have been ...