The Queen reportedly took the news "calmly and without surprise" when finally told, according to a personal manuscript letter from her then-private secretary, Sir Martin Charteris. Blunt had ...
The queen’s private secretary, Martin Charteris, was told only that MI5 intended to interrogate Blunt due to his close ties with fellow spy Guy Burgess, who fled to the Soviet Union. In all like ...
Elizabeth’s private secretary at the time, Martin Charteris, and his deputy, Philip Moore, were the only people at the palace who knew about Blunt’s confession. “Charteris thought that the ...
By March 19, MI5 chief Michael Hanley caught wind of a "personal manuscript letter" from Sir Martin, which confirmed the Queen had been briefed: "Charteris wrote that he had spoken to the Queen ...
‘Only Lieutenant Colonel Martin Charteris, the Queen's private secretary, and his deputy, Philip Moore, know about it at the ...
One memo shows that Martin Charteris, the monarch’s private secretary, told MI5 boss Michael Hanley in 1972 that the queen was unaware of Blunt’s spying, saying that to inform her “would ...
In 1972, her private secretary, Martin Charteris, told MI5 chief Michael Hanley that “the queen did not know and he saw no advantage in telling her about it now; it would only add to her worries ...