Symptoms can vary from mild to severe, depending on the type of injury you have. A TBI may cause blood clots, bruising, and ...
A car accident. A football tackle. An unfortunate fall. These things—and more—can cause head injuries. Head injuries can happen to anyone, at any age, and they can damage the brain.
Years later, you experience one or many symptoms like foggy thinking or memory loss? Derrick Allred, MD, discusses if a concussion could be the cause. One in 60 people in the U.S. lives with a ...
A moderate to severe traumatic brain injury may permanently damage parts of your brain ... If you suffered a serious blow to the head and experience symptoms weeks or months after the fact, you may ...
Many individuals mistakenly believe that if they do not lose consciousness or have visible signs of injury, they are not at risk ...
Symptoms can include alterations in level of ... Strum speculates that 15%-33% of individuals who suffer severe TBI will demonstrate storming, a poor prognostic indicator (Boeve et al.; ...
According to the CDC, traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is a major cause of death and disability with over 69,000 TBI-related ...
In most mild TBI cases, patients recover and do not have any lingering symptoms. However, if a patient has a more severe TBI — or suffers an additional head injury — the likelihood of having ...
In individuals whose symptoms are difficult to ... does not pose a problem with the young TBI population. In the symptomatic individual with severe hypotension or hypotension with syncope, the ...