The pursuit of happiness is one that humans have been working toward since the beginning of time. Yet the concept of “happiness” is often hard [...] ...
27 Oct 2021 by Jeremy Sutton, Ph.D. Scientifically reviewed by Jo Nash, Ph.D. Many of us are aware of the importance of adopting a growth mindset and perhaps even believe we have done so already. But ...
28 Aug 2019 by Nicole Celestine, Ph.D. Scientifically reviewed by Melissa Madeson, Ph.D. If someone were to ask you to assess your quality of life on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you answer? More ...
Active listening is at the heart of client-centered counseling and, once mastered, offers a powerful tool, valuable in our professional work, relationships, and personal lives [...] The rat race is ...
28 Sep 2017 by Courtney E. Ackerman, MA. Scientifically reviewed by Jo Nash, Ph.D. Imagine this scenario: You work at a company that produces widgets. You’re at an important business meeting, and ...
29 Apr 2020 by Alicia Nortje, Ph.D. Scientifically reviewed by Tiffany Sauber Millacci, Ph.D. Social comparison is a normal behavior strategy where we seek to better understand our status relating to ...
20 Oct 2020 by Alicia Nortje, Ph.D. Scientifically reviewed by Saima Latif, Ph.D. At some point, each of us will experience anxiety and stress. Recognizing that you are experiencing anxiety is the ...
Who are you? What makes you “you?” You might answer with “I’m a mother,” or, “I’m a therapist,” or maybe, “I’m a believer,” “I’m a [...] ...
8 Mar 2021 by Jeremy Sutton, Ph.D. Scientifically reviewed by Maike Neuhaus Ph.D. Artificial intelligence’s (AI) successful relationship with psychology has not just appeared; it has been evolving for ...
Expressive arts therapy is a multimodal holistic health intervention that mobilizes creative expression in the service of healing both mind and body. It is especially ...
If you’ve heard a lot about emotional intelligence but you’re not sure what the hype is, or if you know what it is but doesn’t [...] ...