Domaine Michel Gros Vendange Sept 2024 Preamble Bonjour Tout les Monde ! MdMdlV reporting in ahead of this latest Burgundy grape harvest (vendange); my 15th in total, ‘across’ 5 domaines, and my ...
It’s true – I’ve bored you enough about a year that has experienced wave after wave of rain – but with some nice sunny days too. Unfortunately, for many producers, the balance has seemed to be more in ...
Cork sealed – the climat name used here. A forward, slightly round nose – there’s fresh intent but framed with a lemon-custard impression. A wine that, like the nose, starts round but then comes to a ...
It’s a while since I posted an ICYMI – years! – but the desert of interesting new articles has recently been punctuated by a few that are of interest – in no small way aided and made more entertaining ...
Don’t ask me what happened to the 2013s – I’ve seen nothing from this merchant since the 2012s – but suddenly, they are back in action! But it’s a good look at the pricing history in Switzerland, even ...
In part one, we looked at some of the reasons why your bottle of Clos de Vougeot can be so variable, not just because there are 80+ proprietors, but also the numerous and sometimes tortuous routes the ...
33 domaines – some new, some catching up – including a few words from the producers on their 2022 and 2021 campaigns. As always, those wines worth a special search are highlighted for you in blue: ...
Whilst in the UK last week, I took the opportunity to take delivery of ‘stocks’ of wines that I’d kept in different locations. I’d anyway not visited the UK for three years so it seemed silly to keep ...
Mainly the whites are from the 2022 vintage, some producers preferring – or it's simply better – to show their wines one vintage later.
66 domaines and their 2019s – including a few words from the producers on their 2019 and 2020 campaigns. As always, those wines worth a special search are highlighted for you in blue: ...