As we do each year at both the Spring and Autumn Conferences, we take a moment to celebrate and recognise the inspiring ...
I missed this as I was on my way to Brighton at the time, but thought that it might of interest to readers. Friday, September 13th saw the First Reading of a Private Members' Bill in the House of ...
A couple of weeks ago, new MP for Surrey Heath Al Pinkerton wrote for us about a Conference fringe meeting he was chairing about the Falklands. In that article, he said: In so many ways we Liberal ...
Keir Starmer and Labour had earned the right to a bit celebration in Liverpool this week. Having turned Labour around from an utter mess to a party with the size of majority nobody should ever have, t ...
The Electoral Commission report on Voter ID in the General Election found that 16,000 would-be voters were turned away by ...
Catching up on my reading, I came across this advice from “The Economist” from Wednesday. With the ongoing debate about overtaking the Conservatives at the next election, and with real questions about ...
This weekend is ten years on from the results being declared following the Scottish Independence Referendum, and for those Liberals, like me, who voted Yes to Independence, much has changed since then ...
It looks as though Steve Darling, the Party’s newly appointed spokesperson for Work and Pensions, is going to have an early baptism in his new role, with an Employment Rights Bill expected to come ...
The UK trans community is concerned and dismayed that some Lib Dem parliamentarians seem to be excessively supporting the Cass review. The Cass review might superficially appear to be reasonable and ...
Pennsylvania’s is known as “The Keystone State.” There are lots of reasons for this moniker but the one most pertinent at the moment is that it holds the key to the White House. It is generally agreed ...
When lockdown hit us we all turned to Zoom or one of its online rivals to maintain our working and social lives. Local Councils worked out ways of carrying out essential business online, and that ...
Following on from my post his morning about the show of solidarity with trans people planned for this lunchtime, this is how ...