So there we were, dead in the water about two miles offshore and about eight miles from the landing where we launched. There ...
goes deeper than a missed marketing opportunity and requires a more thoughtful response than any sophomoric trolling or half-baked meme could accomplish. Still, Drake repeatedly tried to drag ...
36 volts is too much and you’d be better off with a 12-volt trolling motor. I find 24-volt systems to be a good compromise between the battery life and overall weight, especially on smaller ...
He joined Suzuki Motor in 1958 after marrying into the founding family and retired as CEO in 2015. Suzuki is credited with transforming the company from a primarily domestic manufacturer to a ...
It combines the key features of the Slash enduro bike – mullet wheel setup and 170 mm of travel front and rear – with the light system weight, the quiet support of the TQ HPR50 motor and a big battery ...