If you experience hives, over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines like a diphenhydramine cream or an oral medication like Benadryl could help relieve symptoms. You can also purchase body washes or ...
Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is an over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamine commonly used to treat allergies that is also sometimes used as a sleep aid for insomnia. Benadryl is only intended for the ...
This side effect has made Benadryl the preferred choice when allergy symptoms like rash and sneezing keep you up at night. It has also made Benadryl a popular non-prescription sleep aid for nights ...
Therefore, everyone living in the house should be treated before they develop a rash. Close contacts only need to be treated once with the scabies cream. If itching becomes severe, give an allergy ...