The Doomsday Clock now stands at 89 seconds to midnight, the closest to catastrophe in its nearly eight-decade history.
The Doomsday Clock has been set 89 seconds to midnight, its closest point yet, due to nuclear threats, climate change, and ...
The Doomsday Clock has moved to 89 seconds to midnight due to nuclear threats, misuse of technological advances, and climate ...
By hitting “snooze” on the alarm over and over again — a seemingly innocuous sin most sleepyheads commit every morning — you ...
Jessica Alba's life includes a mysterious 1996 kidnapping that occurred while she was filming in Australia at age 15. Despite ...
Shanina/istockphotoIt’s hard to imagine a world without the many modern conveniences we enjoy today. Can’t function without ...
Scientists have revealed the exact date for when a 'city-destroying' asteroid is set to smash into Earth. The asteroid was ...
The famous second law of thermodynamics says that the world gets more and more disordered when random chance is at play. Or, ...
A high-yield savings account offers risk-free returns, but those returns aren’t as good as you think. That’s because the APYs ...
Don't lose out on precious sleep due to multiple nightly trips to the bathroom. Here are simple lifestyle changes that can ...
Daymond John, the savvy investor and "Shark Tank" judge, knows a thing or two about rewriting the rules of entrepreneurship.
You wake up at 7:00 and reflexively reach for your phone. Between the stream of emails, WhatsApps and breaking news alerts, ...