In each of these areas, unlike the unabashed racism of apartheid, de jure segregation, or genocide, racist intent is muted, diffuse, or even absent. Even the racist effect of discriminatory ...
Gov. Gavin Newsom “As mayor, Newsom focused on development projects in Hunters Point and Treasure Island.” – Mayoralty of ...
The Hotel Utah was segregated, for example. In Utah, it was de facto, rather than de jure segregation, but it was segregation all the same. Most particularly, they were worried that the movement ...
In the South, to enforce Jim Crow segregation and laws against mixed ... officially ended de jure legal inequality. At the same time, those civil rights triumphs did nothing to address the ...
A court-ordered desegregation agreement that has been in place in Garland County for more than 30 years came to an end on ...
Schools in the U.S. remain deeply divided along racial, ethnic and economic lines, even as studies show that the K-12 public ...
1887 — Mather Academy was founded in Camden. 1890 — Jim Crow Laws, “mandated (de jure) racial segregation in all public facilities” and “separate but equal.” (NOTE) Jim Crow was the ...
If a candidate were to win each of the thirty smallest states by exactly one vote and not receive a single vote anywhere else ...
New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Rangel, Jorge C., and Carlos M. Alcala. 1972. "Project Report: De Jure Segregation of Chicanos in Texas Schools." Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 7 ...
twomeows / Getty Images Segregation is the separation of an individual or group of individuals from a larger group. It sometimes happens to apply special treatment to the separated individual or ...
Blancs et noirs, femmes et hommes, les 13 personnes qui montent à bord de ce bus à destination de la Nouvelle-Orléans ce 4 mai 1961 partagent le même espoir : mettre fin à la ségrégation ...
Leaders du monde libre, les Etats-Unis ? Dans Le 13e, ils apparaissent comme les gardiens de la plus grosse prison de la planète. Ce documentaire rend compte d’une situation hallucinante ...