This is the perfect explanation for why the Cockatoo you are about to meet sounds exactly like a Velociraptor from Jurassic Park. Just take a listen to this angry little lady and wait until you see ...
The fossilized neck bone of a flying reptile unearthed in Canada shows tell-tale signs of being bitten by a crocodile-like creature 76 million years ago, according to a new study.
Alanna Magovern Regester laughed after being asked when she first attended a Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. “It was back when ...
It's difficult to know what birds "think" when they fly, but scientists in Australia and Canada are getting some remarkable ...
Roughly 201 million years ago, drastic changes extinguished many forms of life and led to conditions that allowed the ...
An accident sparked panic among tourists during the Zigong Lantern Festival in Sichuan, China, on January 19 after a giant ...
In the heart of the Australian and New Guinea rainforests lives the cassowary, known as the world's most dangerous bird due ...
How exactly these extinct creatures had sex has proved something of a mystery - but now an expert sheds light on this most prehistoric of intercourse.
Dinosaur fossils discovered by paleontologists working with the University of Wisconsin-Madison have been determined to be ...
The simple answer is that the inherent desire to survive and perpetuate the species is at the heart of it. Most of the egg ...
The simple answer is that the inherent desire to survive and perpetuate the species is at the heart of it. Most of the egg ...