The “He Gets Us” ad campaign for Jesus, created by a Dallas advertising firm, will air a Super Bowl ad for the third ...
I know that in today's politicised, polarised world it seems impossible to answer the question without immediately being ...
Then “Pack Ice Season” arrived. That was the term the department of tourism was encouraging citizens to use in an attempt to ...
When is the last time you told someone about Jesus? When is the last time you had an opportunity to tell someone about Jesus? So many times, we have had opportunities to share the gospel message with ...
“Sometimes they go together well ... in Israel’s national treasures storerooms. Others imagine the onslaught of Greco-Roman culture molding Jesus into a less Jewish, more cosmopolitan champion ...
When we do judge the sins of others, we must do so in a loving and caring way. We cannot know the contents of anyone’s heart, so never judge motives, or even the salvation of another. Only God “judges ...
Former pro wrestler Mr. T wants everyone to know that they can come to Jesus just as they are. "It's not how you come to ...
But go to My brothers and tell them, 'I am going to My Father ... Their despair had been reversed and they were eager to convince the others that Jesus was alive. Jesus the Christ is always ...
For those unaware, the tagline is the concise statement that hangs out under your name and picture and it tells others ... Jesus is at synagogue in his hometown and he takes the scroll of Isaiah, ...
Immediately after Jesus told his disciples to “love one another as I have loved you,” he said the greatest love is to lay ...
More than 120 religious women and men gathered at Notre Dame Seminary Feb. 1 to celebrate Mass with Archbishop Gregory Aymond ...