"Mufasa: The Lion King" is directed by Barry Jenkins and serves as both a prequel and sequel to 2019's "The Lion King," a ...
Mufasa: The Lion King has a soundtrack with seven original songs, but how does it compare to the original Lion King's iconic ...
After winning Grammys for his 'Moana' and 'Encanto' songs, Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote original tracks for Disney's 'Mufasa: The ...
Lin-Manuel Miranda and Dave Metzger explain how '90s R&B band Jodeci and Lebo M were key to 'Mufasa: The Lion King's' ...
Fans of the Lion King movies will find plenty to like about prequel Mufasa, but steer clear of a superhero stinker on the big ...
The Lion King, Tony-winner Anika Noni Rose plays Afia, the mother of Mufasa, and sings a song called 'Milele', written by Lin ...
There have been more films in The Lion King franchise than fans might realize, and all of them are well-worth checking out!
Ahead of the highly anticipated big-screen debut of “Mufasa: The Lion King,” on Dec. 20, Walt Disney Records has released the songs only and deluxe versions of Disney’s Mufasa: The Lion ...
Mufasa’ songwriter Lin-Manuel Miranda interview: working with "great storyteller" Barry Jenkins & why EGOT isn't everything ...
“I would like quietly try and hold a note if one of my favorite songs is playing.” He enjoyed letting loose on three of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s six new “Lion King” songs. “It was like a ...