As a master's student in Public and Urban Policy, you have the flexibility in your degree to address your unique interests and goals. You can choose in-depth study in one or more policy areas or ...
focusing in the areas of constitutional equality, employment, education, reproduction, the family, violence against women and immigration. Students study constitutional and statutory law as well as ...
AEI’s politics and public opinion scholars are highlighting the links among the pressing demographic, social, economic, and political issues of our day; public sentiment; and the deepest trends ...
Public policy decisions are the means by which communities address challenges such as health, education, housing, energy, poverty, economic growth and environmental sustainability. Public policies are ...
and Environment to the Top 100 Public Affairs Schools and No. 11 in the Urban Policy specialty area. Small class sizes ensure that you are able to work directly with the engaged world-class faculty ...
Miami offers the courses you need to prepare for law or graduate school and for careers in such professions as governance at the local and national levels, diplomacy and global politics, public ...