AUSTRALIA should look harder to find ways to directly impact the lives of Papua New Guineans by channeling much needed ...
THE call by the PNG Hydro Development Company to provinces and districts to set up their own alternative energy supply source through hydro power should not fall on deaf ears. This call is by a ...
AS the country celebrated the 49th Independence anniversary, it has done so having made significant strides in the law and ...
His study centered on the Kula exchange — a ceremonial exchange tradition in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. He ...
NORTHERN governor Garry Juffa has condemned the brutal attack on a nursing officer at the Popondetta General Hospital last week. The hospital staff Marina Kambakle, who has worked with the Oro ...
A delegation of international agricultural leaders recently visited Australia to advise Australia's Minister for Foreign ...
An Australian plan to improve policing in the Pacific deals with just one element of the islands’ crime and conflict problem ...
Green Climate Fund chief Mafalda Duarte is on a mission to help vulnerable nations that have yet to receive a penny from the ...
Papua New Guinea Minister for International Trade and Investment and Yangoru-Saussia MP, Hon. Richard Maru, addressed the ...
The Indianapolis Prize recognizes work of conservationists across the globe. A winner announced in 2025 will receive $250,000 ...
With China planning to spend more than $10 billion on durian imports, Vietnamese exporters are cautioned to adhere strictly ...
In those cultures where a dead husband continues to haunt the living for a long time, everything that has been in contact ...