The environmental committee of the Garden Club of Long Beach Island provides residents with information on the protection, preservation, management and restoration of the natural environment of LBI ...
While it is the dream of many gardeners to have acres of land to grow their favorite plants, the reality for many is much ...
Naturally, it's never going to be one bathroom organization style that suits all, but rest assured, there is always something you can do to streamline morning routines, including ...
This guide decodes every dress code from black tie to beach casual so you can dress for any wedding with confidence and style ...
To build a lovely garden, whether it is small or big, you don’t need to spend a bunch. Take advantage of what’s around your spaces, like dried branches, plant pots, gravels, and rocks then create them ...
Removing weeds as soon as they appear, before their roots fully anchor into the soil, is best for the garden, as well as your back. Always pull or dig up weeds by their roots, then compost or dispose ...
Growing flowers, herbs, vegetables, and fruit in containers and small raised beds may not fill the freezer, but can satisfy a yearning for an interesting, pretty, easy, and productive garden ...
With spring on its way, people are starting to focus on their gardens and outdoor spaces ... No scrubbing needed, it's so easy and lifts all that green stuff." Meanwhile, a fourth shared their ...
Use a garden fork or mechanical aerator to spike your grass and fill the holes with a blend of sharp sand and loam. "Aeration is the simple process of poking holes in your lawn using a pitchfork ...
West- or east-facing windows can also be used. For best results, you will need to supplement with a simple two-bulb grow light which you can purchase online for about $30. I would also recommend a ...
Plus, most models are small and light enough to be moved around the house. Bigger indoor garden units -- Lettuce Grow Farmstand and RiseGarden -- take up more space but can hold as many as 36 ...
Improving the drainage will help prevent patchy grass. The technique for this is straightforward - take a garden fork and spike the lawn where water tends to settle. Each forking should be about ...