Conflict in families can negatively affect individuals’ well-being and relationships. But what exactly do families today ...
Habitat was once thought of as something outside of town in the countryside. Today incorporating habitat into home landscaping in and around towns and cities has become a top trend across the United ...
Recently, Iowa and Illinois have confirmed the presence of cucurbit yellow vine decline (CYVD), a disease that causes yellowing, wilting, and potential death of infected pumpkin and squash. Although ...
In our current research project, “Strategies for Improving Biological Control of Insect Pests for Vegetable Growers Utilizing High Tunnels”, tomato harvest has ramped back up now that the raccoon ...
Operations with agritourism opportunities have really geared up for the fall season and everyone is hoping for great weather these next four weekends leading up to Halloween. The last weekend of ...
We’re about 3-4 weeks into apple season up here with new varieties being harvested each week. For the week of 9/20/2024, this includes ‘Gala’, ‘Honeycrisp’, ‘Early Fuji’, ‘Golden Delicious’, ‘Jonagold ...
Food Works Southern Illinois Farming Alliance is hosting a Mechanical Weed Control Field Day on two dates from two different locations in the southern Illinois region. Each of these is a full day ...
Weather update by Trent Ford, Illinois State Climatologist. Climatological summer encompasses June, July, and August, and the season often brings more than its fair share of intense weather. This past ...
It’s here and now we have to deal with it. Neopestalotiopsis fruit rot and leaf spot of strawberry, caused by a previously unknown, more aggressive Neopestalotiopsis species, was first reported to ...
Choosing the right business structure for a farm or ranch business shouldn’t be hard. In this webinar, producers will learn how to apply straightforward decision-making factors to your situation.
Meet Andrea Farrier, Youth Development Educator in Unit 5, and learn about her background as a 4-Her in LaSalle County, her hobbies, and her love of Disney. Also hear about the whole team's thoughts ...
In recent years, the agricultural sector has seen a growing emphasis on conservation practices aimed at promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship. These practices, which include cover ...