A minicab driver who incorporated a “nearly” dormant company has been denied coronavirus support payments under the ...
The changes made to corporation tax rates in April 2023 brought with them a range of complexities. In particular, for the ...
This week’s round-up of accounting technology news and views includes an upcoming consultation on introducing e-invoicing for ...
As I said on the other thread earlier today, when the Guardian article popped up, it's hard to differentiate deliberate leaks (whether intended to test the water or to simply make ...
Company A provided advisory services to shareholders of Company B. This service is an exempt supply 701/49 s.9.
What do a dairy company and an industrial services company have in common? Both participated in a contrived capital allowances scheme that the court of ...
Hi, getting confused here about what is distributable or not..... Holding company accounts look like the following: *Assets* ...
Sustainability is increasingly becoming a priority for businesses across all sectors, and accounting firms are no exception.
Despite HMRC cracking down on R&D tax relief, some problematic advisors are still causing big scares for unsuspecting clients.* ...
In my criminal case work I occasionally come across cases where an accountant has been hoodwinked by a dishonest client.  The accountant has prepared tax ...
would appreciate some input from knowledgable peeps...trying to get my head round this?
Ancient & Modern Jewellers Ltd (A&M) predominantly sold watches, with many of their sales being within the second-hand margin scheme. This meant A&M ...