On Friday, a video of a character named Piss Jugman waving to patrons inside a Buc-ee's started making the rounds online. Now, I'm sure your first question is "What is a Piss Jugman?" In short ...
Buc-ee's is known for being a popular pit stop on road trips. One thing you will notice when pulling into a Buc-ee's is that ...
The website for the truck stop -- now called Petro Johnson's Corner -- still lists that the business "features a full service ...
Joe Johnson founded Johnson's Corner on Longmont's Main Street in 1937 — in a building that has since been moved and was ...
Celina 52 Truck Stop followed up with additional videos and photos in the comments of the post. In one video, Piss Jugman is being "escorted" out of the Buc-ee's. In another, he is seen outside ...