A physicist constructed a "chatra", a seven-tiered ceremonial Thai umbrella, in 113 hours to save a dying art form.
Nuclear fusion is seen as a possible visionary solution to the energy problems of the future - clean and comparatively ...
The tiered umbrella is one of Thailand's oldest and most sacred ornamental symbols. Constructing one of these ornate pieces, also called chatras, can take master artisans up to six months. However, ...
The Northern Lights facility is the world's first commercial CO2 transportation and storage project; it will transport liquefied CO2 from capture sites to an onshore receiving terminal in western ...
Utilities that deliver energy can both support and benefit from an industry that sucks carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, according to a new report from supporters of carbon removal projects.
The Northern Lights project plans to take CO2 emissions captured at factory smokestacks in Europe and inject them into geological reservoirs under the seabed. The aim is to prevent the emissions ...
Spill kills thousands of fish in Fraser Valley waterway CarbonRun says that between 2025 and 2029, its liming projects are expected to prevent about 55,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide — roughly the ...
And check out our back catalog of [Les]’ many laser projects, from a sketchy tattoo-removal laser teardown to his acousto-optical filter experiments.
LCLS-II-HE is the second upgrade in as many years for a laser beam in Menlo Park, California, that reveals some of nature's ...
And so it goes in the world of lasers, where this avalanche driver module turns Nichia laser diodes into fire-breathing beasts. OK, that last bit might be a little overstated, but there’s no ...