Every Dragon Ball Z fan knows that the entire world revolves around the Saiyans. After the Namek Saga, it's nearly impossible for any character that isn't a Saiyan to have relevance ever again.
Dragon Ball has since taken Super Saiyan through all sorts of new levels of power, and with it Goku and Vegeta have since broken through the ceiling to godhood with a variation of the transformation.
So, players might end up finding room for Super Saiyan Goku from the end of DBZ. He’s mobile enough to get around opponents, and anyone who closes in on him can be countered with his Wild Sense.
After months of waiting and an excruciating amount of fillers, Goku finally gained enough power to unlock Super Saiyan and beat the space tyrant. In Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, you also have access ...
In the upcoming preview, Vegeta and Goku are looking to go to war in their Super Saiyan forms. Initially, many viewers might have assumed it would be quite some time before we saw Vegeta ...
When you unlock Goku Black, you can also use his transformation: Goku Black Super Saiyan Rose. Super Shenron offers seven different wishes. So, if you would rather spend yours on something else ...
Doing this will set off a drastically altered timeline where Goku trains with the others to prepare for the arrival of the other Saiyans, Vegeta is defeated via a team effort, and the gang end up ...
Bandai Namco has revealed the first 24 characters that will be playable in the upcoming fighting game Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero, and we really hope you like Super Saiyans. Dragon Ball: Sparking ...