The remains of the earliest dinosaurs may lie undiscovered in the Amazon and other equatorial regions of South America and Africa, suggests a new study.
The wonderful Internet explains that scientists believe that modern birds evolved from a specific kind of dinosaur called Theropods. This is the family that includes Tyrannosaurus Rex and ...
The fossilized neck bone of a flying reptile unearthed in Canada shows tell-tale signs of being bitten by a crocodile-like creature 76 million years ago, according to a new study.
To account for the numerous gaps in the fossil record, they treated the parts of the world where fossils have not been uncovered as missing information rather than designating them areas where no ...
Around 45 million years ago, a 4.6-foot-tall (1.4 meters) bird called Diatryma roamed a warm, tropical swamp in what is now southern Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. This giant, flightless bird, known for its ...
Alanna Magovern Regester laughed after being asked when she first attended a Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. “It was back when ...