One such anime is set to come out in 2025, known as Witch Hat Atelier. Witch Hat Atelier is based on a manga series by Kamome Shirahama. The story follows a girl named Coco, who is a dressmaker's ...
Warm and whimsical, Flying Witch is a delightful feel-good anime that follows Makoto, a young witch adjusting to rural life with her relatives after leaving home. In the anime, viewers see Makoto ...
Witch Hat Atelier is already being heralded as the next big fantasy anime alongside Delicious in Dungeon and Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
Studio Ghibli co-founder Isao Takahata dies at 82 'World's oldest manga' inspires Studio Ghibli anime It was later ... "She's just like a good witch, who has all these charms.
Witch Hat Atelier’s new anime adaptation is now in the works for a release some time next year, but has yet to confirm a concrete release date or window as of the time of this publication.
ALBAWABA - The official website of Tite Kubo's Bleach spin-off manga, Burn the Witch, published a new trailer and key visual for the upcoming TV anime with a global release date and new staff members.