Discover how King Henry VIII and other members of the Tudor nobility handled going to the bathroom in the mid-1500s. (Spoiler ...
He was known as Henry 'Curtmantle' or 'Fitz Empress' when he was young and succeeded King Stephen in October 1154. Archbishop Thomas a Becket disagreed with the King's wishes and a rash phrase spoken ...
who produce their issues to the two. Margaret, haveing had enough of the compalining, rips the petitions and sends the petitioners away. King Henry VI has married Margaret of Anjou. Various ...
Catherine Parr is now best remembered for being the sixth and final wife of King Henry VIII. “Divorced, beheaded, died; ...
Damian Lewis and Mark Rylance reprise their roles as Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell in this Wolf Hall sequel. Learn why critics are raving. #WolfHallPBS:The Mirror and the Light ...
Join Wayne and Jenny to learn the song 'Pavans and pageantry', a slow ceremonial song inspired by the rhythm of a pavan dance. You must enable JavaScript to play ...
2019 [for Henry III's tomb] King Henry III and the Cosmati work at Westminster by D. Carpenter, in The Cloister and the World edited by J. Blair and B. Golding, 1996 On an examination of the tombs of ...
Meanwhile, Prince Hal again disappoints King Henry IV because of continued association with the lowlives of London. Prince Hal's brother, Prince John, undoes the rebellion through devious ...
Dan Jones What most people know of medieval English King Henry V, if most people know anything at all about him, is ...
1. The young king Movement sequences include one of athletic Henry's favourite sports - real tennis. 2. The golden years Today's dance session includes a stately 'pavan' and a Tudor country dance.
The year is 1544 and King Henry, the Eighth of that name ... audience' with their Sovereign Lord and King. This one-man, two-act show, has toured extensively across the Realm, and to the USA.