Shōnen anime and manga series are known for giving their characters a variety of power-ups in the form of...well, forms. In Dragon Ball, Goku gains levels of Super Saiyan. In Bleach, Ichigo can ...
Luffy has been brought to life by Mayumi Tanaka and Colleen Clinkenbeard respectively. In Germany however, the Straw Hat ...
While in his Gear 5 state, Luffy is able to take on some of One Piece's strongest pirates of all time, but is he ready for a showdown against his brother Shanks? The Red-Haired Pirate Shanks has ...
From Gear 2 to Spring Pistol, here are Monkey D. Luffy's 3 abilities that he blatantly copied from his arch rivals and ...
Even in terms of his Devil Fruit progress, there is a lot that Luffy can still work on and learn moving forward, and it is ...
Luffy took his strength to the next level, all the while understanding the true core of his Devil Fruit powers, and ended up Awakening his fruit, which gave rise to Gear 5. With the power of Gear ...
Is Luffy really that strong in Gear 5 mode? Or was Kizaru holding back in the battle against the Strawhat in One Piece's ...
One Piece is purposely holding Luffy back as his greatest power has one major issue and the manga must solve it.
Luffy’s eyebrows in Gear Five are a clear reference to the golden ... Your video game and entertainment website for all the news, updates, and breaking news from the world of video games ...
Show more Luffy, now in Gear 5, and Kaido resume their battle. Kaido literally swallows Luffy, but Luffy uses his newfound power to escape and overpower Kaido, all the while enjoying himself and ...