Four men are preparing to row across the Atlantic in the most sustainable boat ever built. Dan Dicker from Perranporth and ...
In the HAI550 mall in Shanghai, most of the clothes are produced by small local brands using materials such as old plastic ...
The highest abundance of microplastic was found to be due to heavy domestic waste disposal from a densely populated ...
Ten years after the California legislature passed a bill to ban single-use plastic bags, Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed another ...
The West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use, WASCAL has called on the government to ...
If it’s time to clear out your beauty drawer, Lucy Slight has some helpful advice for decluttering and disposing of expired ...
Zero waste gardening is about minimising inputs to your garden and maximising outputs by using everything. This means doing ...
D printing is revolutionizing every industry and sports is no exception. But, what role will 3D printing play in sports?
Would you live in a place built from life-sized Lego bricks? Some people in South Florida already do — in a first-of-its-kind ...
Small plastic particles are everywhere: in the soil where our food is grown, in the water we drink and in the air we breathe.
A huge smelly blob of black sludge was unearthed this week at a construction site for new housing going up along Brooklyn’s ...
Exxon Mobil has touted 'advanced recycling' as a groundbreaking technology that will turn the tide in our plastic crisis.