Shah Rukh Khan and son AbRam were recently seen in Mumbai, with photos showing SRK holding an umbrella over AbRam melting hearts online. Earlier, AbRam attended a Coldplay concert with Suhana and ...
During an old episode of Koffee With Karan, Gauri had clarified that converting to Islam was never a condition for their marriage Recently, photos of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and his ...
Gauri Khan's pictures in a hijaab went viral and it was being claimed that she has converted to Islam. However, there is no truth to this and these photos are generated through AI.
Shah Rukh Khan has been avoiding media attention, often hiding under umbrellas. In an exclusive chat with Zoom, his former security head, Yusuf Ibrahim, admits not knowing the 'personal reasons' but ...
Among those who attended were Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri Khan ... Karam Johar and others also posed for the paps. Check out the photos here: ...
Did Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan visit Mecca, Saudi Arabia, with wife Gauri Khan and Aryan Khan to ring in the new year? Viral photos of the trio suggest so. But, here's the truth. SRK's Photos ...