WhatsApp is rolling out a few new call features for desktop and mobile. Group chat members can now select specific participants they want to call to avoid disrupting everyone. Calls on desktop and ...
If you’ve ever accidentally pressed the phone icon at the top of your phone screen in a huge WhatsApp group chat, you’ll know the pain of mistakenly calling scores of people all at the same ...
Now, however, WhatsApp is letting users choose who among the group chat should be included in a call. It's a great upgrade for breaking out some of the chat—whether you're trying not disturb ...
WhatsApp users will now see the profile image of the person along with a "..." symbol at the bottom of their chat screen. This enhancement is particularly beneficial in group chats, where it can ...
This is another step from Meta in making WhatsApp a viable option for both personal and work calls instead of using Google Meet or Zoom. When you’re in a group chat, the messaging app already ...
The next time you open up WhatsApp on your phone or computer to make a call, you may notice some changes—mostly for the ...
WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature which will allow the users to directly connect with human chat support from the web client. According to a report by WaBetaInfo, the latest beta ...
At a group media conference which followed ... The deal to establish a PNG NRL team comes with a China “escape clause” for Australia, while ARLC chair Peter V’landys has revealed another ...
which makes it easier to identify who is typing in both individual and group chats. However, there’s a warning for the users who are using older versions of their smartphones— as WhatsApp will ...
Information about this upcoming feature comes from Wabetainfo, a site dedicated to tracking WhatsApp’s updates. According to their report, this new capability, known as "Group Chat Mention in ...
WhatsApp now allows you to call specific members within a group chat, perfect for planning surprises or private conversations ...
For starters, WhatsApp users can now select specific participants from a group chat for a call without disturbing all the group members. They can also choose from ten effects for video calls.