I used G15 pin as RST signal to peripheral, its setting is: and test it voltage level after initialization periodly. static void enet_lwip_eth_rst(void) { uint32_t delayus = 100*1000; uint32_t ...
I want CAN RX pin to trigger an interrupt and wake up the system from low power mode after receiving any data. How do I configure it? Is there a parameter setting like wake up function when requesting ...
SCB is a read compare. So if you write "50 4a" to register 44 (accessing address 0x4a50) and read back the data from 0x4a50 then the value returned should be "2c 0e". SCB is to ensure data being ...
We encountered some problems when using the 280039 ADC module, described as follows The ADC samples the AC voltage and finds that the sampling results are distorted, as shown below Purple channel: ADC ...
I faced trouble at starting OOBE of LP-MSPM0L1306. I connect the LP with my PC and PC detected the LP correctly. (I checked it on device manager) I did "Load Program" from web GUI ver1.0.0. Then the ...
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc pattern=ball num-buffers=300 ! video/x-raw, width=3840, height=2160, framerate=30/1, format=NV12 ! queue !v4l2h264enc extra-controls ...
This thread has been locked. If you have a related question, please click the "Ask a related question" button in the top right corner. The newly created question will be automatically linked to this ...
I am trying to calculate losses for the synchronous MOSFET. In table 2-2, the body diode conduction loss uses a term of (Vload*Fsw)/2. This results in a very high calculated loss. I think the voltage ...
1. Must DRV8244HQDGQRQ1 thermal pad be connected to GND? 2. Is the thermal pad connected to GND internally? There is no description about the thermal pad connection in the datasheet, and thus I'd like ...
I was facing issue on implementing the PLL code. in the PLL how to design a LPF filter or how to consider the coefficents for the LPF for three phase active end converter.
I used board that named LAUNCHXL_F2800157. I use the example document to develop SCI bootloader, the document link is : https://www.ti.com/cn/lit/an/zhcadf7/zhcadf7 ...
Even though I enabled this configuration in Theia,I am not able to observe the energy trace in debug mode It appears that the configurations is showing as disabled. Could you please help me with this ...