World leaders are at UN Headquarters in New York this Sunday where world leaders have just adopted the Pact for the Future by consensus - with a small group of just seven countries holding out, having ...
Hundreds of youth, celebrities and world leaders converged at UN Headquarters in New York on Saturday for the second of two ...
A groundbreaking art installation at UN Headquarters by renowned media artist Refik Anadol leverages artificial intelligence ...
The UN Secretary-General is gravely alarmed by reports of a full-scale assault on El Fasher by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) ...
في افتتاح قمة المستقبل بمقر الأمم المتحدة، اعتمدت الجمعية العامة- بدون تصويت- قرارا يتضمن اتفاقا رئيسيا يُعرف بـ "ميثاق ...
Assembleia Geral aprovou por consenso documento que inclui acordos inéditos sobre desarmamento nuclear e governança de IA; ...
Les dirigeants mondiaux sont réunis ce dimanche au siège de l'ONU à New York pour le Sommet de l’avenir, une occasion unique ...
22 и 23 сентября 2024 года мировые лидеры, представители гражданского общества и эксперты собираются на Саммите будущего для ...
Com foco em governança global e desafios emergentes, documento a marcar a Cúpula do Futuro também busca consenso em temas ...
Cientos de jóvenes, personalidades y líderes mundiales se reunieron el sábado en la sede de la ONU en Nueva York para ...