The plan is to create a separate account in fiscal year 2025, now in process, to show revenue. The city will also add $400 to ...
Marybeth Redmond is a columnist for the Essex Reporter. Redmond is a long-time journalist who served as state representative ...
George Tyler is a columnist for the Essex Reporter. A resident of Essex Junction, Tyler is a former journalist, village ...
Messages from Montpelier are recurring columns written by Essex-Westford's legislative delegation.
This historic home in Essex has exposed brick walls and red oak flooring. The home also has a attached office space and a ...
Where: First Congregational Church of Essex Junction. Details: Gain level 1 reiki training and certification, a card reading ...
12:55 p.m. -- Found/Lost Property (Juniper Ridge Road/Sycamore Lane) 3:35 p.m. -- Crash-Damage (Essex Way) 4:42 p.m. -- Animal-Bite (Hagan Dr.) 8;29 p.m. -- Animal-Problem (West St./South St.) 11:12 p ...