In Cameroon, bushmeat is not just a food choice but a culturally significant tradition. This report explores how to balance ...
Nature restoration experts from across Europe and beyond recently gathered for a deep examination of the ecological aspects ...
From armadillos in luggage to fishing vessels carrying tonnes of dried turtle meat, Malaysia’s enforcers have dealt with novel and large-scale wildlife seizures near its international entry and exit ...
Wild plants are being illegally harvested at such a rate that, in many cases, their existence is now under threat, with most sales occurring on social media and ecommerce platforms. Demand for wild ...
The lives of many thousands of people who harvest wild plants and fungi in the high mountains of Nepal are set to improve with the launch of a new project by TRAFFIC and partners. High in the ...
If you think you may have encountered illegal wildlife trade online, you can report it directly via the Coalition To End Wildlife Trafficking Online website.
TRAFFIC has over 170 staff working on five continents towards the shared goal of reducing the pressure of unsustainable trade on natural biodiversity. Our team includes experts from a plethora of ...
The trade in wild species is complex. Deepen your understanding with our tools and online courses that can help you act on illegal trade and enable you to support legal trade - regardless of whether ...
At a time of unprecedented biodiversity loss, TRAFFIC is scaling up evidence, solutions, and influence to ensure that trade in wild species is legal and sustainable, for the benefit of the planet and ...
TRAFFIC có hơn 130 nhân viên làm việc tại năm châu lục với mục tiêu chung là giảm tác động của hoạt động buôn bán không bền vững đối với đa dạng sinh học tự nhiên. Nhóm chúng tôi bao gồm các chuyên ...
Trên thế giới, nhiều loài thằn lằn, rùa nước và rùa cạn được mua bán, trao đổi làm vật nuôi. Rất nhiều trong số chúng có nguồn gốc từ tự nhiên, và người ta ít quan tâm đến các tác động lâu ...