Welcome | Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
Within crossroads of knowledge, inter-disciplinarity, and research-oriented graduate programs, you can access a wide range of course offerings at PSL University, a grouping of the best Paris institutions.
Université Paris Dauphine-PSL | Accueil
L’Université Paris Dauphine-PSL est à la fois université de recherche et grande école spécialisée en sciences des organisations & de la décision. Recherche scientifique, formations initiales et pour les professionnels.
Your career is unique, and so are Dauphine Master’s degrees
Thanks to its strategic alliances and campuses around the world, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL offers you the opportunity to spend one or two semesters abroad, or to obtain a dual diploma with a foreign university during your Master's degree.
About Dauphine | Dauphine-PSL Paris
A university with an international focus . Dauphine has established an international stature through its partnerships with prestigious universities, its off-site campuses and its training programs abroad.
Choosing your program - Dauphine-PSL Paris
The university trains best-in-class executives and managers and incorporates the most innovative methods, such as Big Data and AI, into its programs. Its degree programs are recognized in France and abroad.
Your Bachelor's Degree Starts at Dauphine - PSL
The program offering at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL is based on entering one of two fields: Organization Sciences; or Mathematics and Computer Science. The Bachelor's degree then opens up to six areas of study, specializations that can in turn lead to further studies.
International | Dauphine-PSL Paris
PSL University boasts a stellar international reputation and has earned its position in the most important international rankings (including Shanghai, QS and THE). PSL enters into strategic agreements with foreign universities that benefit all of its schools.
International students - Dauphine-PSL Paris
Dauphine’s programs on its Paris, London and Tunis campuses, or as part of its partnerships in Madrid and Frankfurt, offer academic excellence along with professional experience and international engagement.
Tuition & fees - Dauphine-PSL Paris
Before registering at the university, you must download your CVEC proof of payment (or waiver) from the Campus and Student Life Contribution (CVEC). Some fees listed on this page are subject to change for the 2024 - 2025 academic year.
Applications and admissions - Dauphine-PSL Paris
University Diplomas - Executive Masters. Exam Preparation. Scholarships and Social Assistance Tuition & fees Dauphine. About Dauphine; New Campus ... Université Paris Dauphine - PSL . Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 Tél. : 01 44 05 44 05. Communities. Accreditations and Labels. Contacts;